Kalma means "word" in Arabic. It usually refers to the Shahada, a significant statement in Islam. The kalma لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اﷲُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ اﷲِ states that “No one is worthy of worship except Allah, & Muhammad is His Messenger." The Shahada shows that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger. This statement is the central belief in Islam—that Allah is one and Muhammad is a prophet.
Islam has six kalmay: the first kalma, second kalma, third kalma, fourth kalma, fifth kalma, & sixth kalma. Saying these Kalmay is super essential for Muslims; it proves their acceptance of Islam and their commitment to its beliefs. The Shahada plays a significant role in Islamic teachings. It acts as a unifying declaration for Muslims all around the world.
The Six Kalmay, or the Six Phrases, are necessary Islamic faith declarations that guide Muslims. These lines, often said during important events and in everyday prayers, serve as a reminder of fundamental Islamic values. They are based on numerous hadiths and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and are incredibly well-liked by Muslims worldwide. Parents are responsible for encouraging their children to say and learn these kalmay very first.
The First Kalima, called Tayyab, is an important Islamic proclamation emphasizing Allah's oneness and purity. The complete declaration is, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." The central idea of Tawhid, which emphasizes Allah's oneness and uniqueness, is expressed in the First Karma. Learn the First Karma in Arabic with an English translation.
According to Ibn' Umar's narration; Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) declared, "No soul that dies bearing witness to La ilaha illallah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah, from the heart with certainty, but Allah will forgive it." (Ibn Majah Sunan 3796).
The first Klama (Tayyab) is every Muslim's introductory statement and point of entry into Islam. Reciting it is a way to reaffirm one's faith in Allah's oneness and Muhammad's (peace be upon him) prophetic role. The Kalima strengthens Muslims' resolve to worship Allah alone, without the assistance of any partners, and gives them a feeling of identity.
Reciting the First Kalima daily purifies the heart and soul and aligns one's intentions with divine guidance. It is frequently emphasized to kids as an important part of their religious education, highlighting its significance in Islamic learning and daily life. The First Kalima is a powerful statement of faith, unity, and loyalty to Allah. According to the narration of Abu Hurairah (RA), The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) advised encourage your dying relatives to say, "La ilaha illallah." (1444 Sunan Ibn Majah).
The Second Kalima, also called Shahadat, means "Testimony" and is a significant Islamic statement. It embodies the fundamental belief that Allah is one and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a prophet. The whole statement is: "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger." Islam's foundation, Shahadat, emphasizes Tawheed (monotheism), God's oneness. Muslims recite this Kalima to declare Muhammad SAW the last Prophet and pledge allegiance to Islam. It's the first thing an Islamist says to announce their acceptance of Islam. Learn 2nd Kalma with English translation.
'Umar (RA) narrated it in a Hadith: Says Allah's Messenger (ﷺ): After making ablution (wudu), if someone recites the entire Kalma, "I testify that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah, He is Alone and has no partner and Muhammad (ﷺ) is his servant and Messenger" (Ash-hadu a la ilaha ill-Allahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan' abduhu wa Rasuluhu).) Then, all eight gates of Paradise open for him, allowing him to enter through any gate of his choosing.
'Umar (RA) narrated it in a Hadith: Says Allah's Messenger (ﷺ): After making ablution (wudu), if someone recites the entire Kalma, "I testify that there is no one worthy of worship but Allah, He is Alone and has no partner and Muhammad (ﷺ) is his servant and Messenger" (Ash-hadu a la ilaha ill-Allahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan' abduhu wa Rasuluhu).) Then, all eight gates of Paradise open for him, allowing him to enter through any gate of his choosing.
The Second Kalima emphasizes repentance and seeking forgiveness to purify the soul. It improves humility, strengthens the believer's relationship with Allah, and promotes spiritual maturity by acknowledging divine kindness and power. Additionally, the adhan, which is repeated five times a day before every prayer, refers to it. Muslims must never forget Allah in their thoughts.
Tamjeed, or the Third Kalima, means "glorification" and highlights Allah's perfection and magnificence. The statement known as the Kalma admits that Allah alone is deserving of all honor and glory. This Kalima affirms God's majesty, uniqueness, and perfection—the essence of worshipping a God. The whole statement is: "Glory be to Allah, and all praise be to Allah; there is none worthy of worship except Him, and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or power except Allah, the Exalted, the Great One."
Ask Allah to bless you and affirm His majesty by saying the Tamjeed. It underlines that only Allah deserves praise and gratitude, showing a deep understanding of Tawheed, or God's oneness. The 3rd Kalma provides spiritual strength by reminding believers of Allah's strength and help during tough times. The Third Kalima reminds Muslims to glorify and thank Allah, strengthening their faith. Learn 3rd Kalma with English translation.
As reported by Abu Hurairah, declared the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), Allah SWT says, "I am as my slave expects me to be, and I am with him when he remembers me." I will remember him inwardly if he remembers me inwardly, and if he remembers me in an assembly, I will remember him in an even better assembly (that is, in the assembly of angels) (Bukhari and in Muslim). It is said in the Quran: "So remember me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me, and do not deny Me. 152-153 of Surah Baqarah.
The 3rd Kalima, also called Kalima Tamjeed, is an ideal way to recall and glorify Allah. The two primary concepts of dhikr are the niyyah, its impact on the heart, and the deliberate effort needed to move your tongue. The 3rd Kalma is the best dhikar.
In Islam, the fourth Kalima, or Kalima Tawheed, is a vital statement of Allah's oneness. This kalima highlights the most important concept of Tawheed, which holds that Allah alone—who is one and has no partners—is the only creator deserving of worship. The complete fourth Kalima is "There is no god but Allah; He is One; He has no partners; the kingdom and the praise belong to Him. "He is the Ever-Living who never dies; He is the one who both creates and grants life.". Everything is in His hands, and He is in charge of everything.
The fourth Kalima, which expresses the principles of Islamic monotheism, is essential reading for all Muslims. It reminds us that Allah is the universe's creator and supreme ruler over all that exists. The Fourth Kalma is more critical than just reciting it; it is a daily declaration of faith that gives a believer's life purpose and direction.
(Tamjeed)This hadith states that people who recite the 4th Kalma 100 times a day will be rewarded with 100 credits, and 100 sins will be forgiven, similar to if they had freed 10 slaves. The 4th Kalma regularly strengthens a Muslim's commitment to monotheism and offers spiritual clarity. It is also connected to several positive qualities, such as promoting psychological peace and boosting one's faith. One of the pillars of Islamic theology and identity is the Fourth Kalma, which bears witness to the unbroken trust in Allah's oneness. Learn 4th Kalma in Arabic with English translation.
In Islam, the Fifth Kalma, or Kalima Istaghfar, is a vital invocation focusing on begging Allah (SWT) for mercy for intentional or unintentional sins. Its significance lies in recognizing human imperfection and Allah's divine mercy to His creation.
Here is the 5th Kalma in English translation:
"Asking for Forgiveness, which is saying: I ask forgiveness of Allah, my Lord, for every sin I committed intentionally or wrongly, secretly or openly. And I repent to Him from the sin I know and do not know. You are the Knower of the unseen, the One who covers the mistakes, the Forgiver of sins. There is no might or power except by Allah, the Highest, and Great,"
The 5th Kalma profoundly reminds Muslims to consider their deeds and ask Allah for forgiveness constantly. This is particularly significant during everyday prayers and times of meditation. With pure intentions and lovely names—especially "Allah"—we confess our sins and ask for pardon. The phrase "And I repent to Him" emphasizes sincerity in both actions and hearts and confirms our determination to return to Allah.
Because of Allah's infinite kindness, even serious offenses like avoiding military duty are forgiven. Asking for forgiveness has many advantages.
Erasing sins
Higher religious status
Concealing flaws
Maintaining peace
Various material and spiritual blessings
Flowing blessings
Achieving hopes
Increasing sustenance
As a powerful statement of Islamic faith, the Sixth Kalma, also called Kalima Radde Kufr, emphasizes the rejection of unbelief and the confirmation of Allah's (SWT) oneness. The 5th Kalma expresses a believer's dedication to monotheism while asking for safety against skepticism or polytheism. "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from associating others with You while knowing. I seek Your forgiveness for that of which I do not know. I repented against that; I disavowed myself of disbelief, polytheism, lying, and sins—all of them. I submit myself to You and believe in You. I say: There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Reciting the Sixth Kalma is believed to offer spiritual protection. It is frequently included in private supplications and daily prayers, allowing believers to reaffirm their commitment to monotheism and their faith regularly. By accepting this Kalima, Muslims want to develop an awareness of their beliefs and promote a lifestyle aligned with Islamic values.
The Sixth Kalma is more than just a recital; it is a profound statement of faith, a call to remember the significance of Tawheed, and an agreement to live a life free from the forces of unbelief. Learn 6th Kalma in Arabic with English translation.
The daily prayers, or du'a as they are known in Arabic, are very important to Muslims. These prayers help ask Allah for the right direction, blessings, and more. When children grow up, teaching them about the world and religion is very important.
Parents are responsible for teaching children the daily recited prayers (duas). Such as prayer before eating the meal and prayer after eating the meal; prayer before drinking water and prayer after drinking water; prayer before going to the washroom and prayer coming out of the washroom; and prayer before sleeping. And prayer after sleep, prayer for going upstairs and prayer for going downstairs, prayer for the funeral of an adult, prayer for the funeral of a little (infant) child, and prayer for the funeral of a little (infant) girl, prayer for entering the house and prayer for leaving the house, prayer for traveling, prayer after sitting in a vehicle, and hundreds of prayers recited in life should be learned.
At our best online Quran school, expert male and female online teachers teach children and adults the online Quran, help them live according to the Sunnah, and beautify this world and the hereafter. Muslims recite several duas depending on the circumstance. For instance, there's one dua before sleeping and one after waking up. There are also some duas for going into and coming out of homes, as well as duas before eating the meal and after eating the meal.
Muslims ensure to say prayers before and after drinking milk and water and dua for entering and exiting the toilet! Additionally, there are specific duas for going downstairs or upstairs. Through these prayers, Muslims can express gratitude, seek guidance, and maintain a close relationship with Allah daily. By adding du'as into their daily routines, Muslims try to regain their faith, seek Allah's mercy, and experience inner peace and strength.
There are many types and purposes for daily supplications. Some common categories include:
Adhkār, or morning and evening prayers, are crucial daily Islamic rituals. Remembering Allah through these supplications provides spiritual protection and direction. Before sunrise, morning prayers are offered after Fajr, and evening prayers are offered after Maghrib but before darkness. Adhkār are used to thank Allah for His blessings and protection from evil. These Duas usually relate to health, safety, and guidance. Many Hadiths state that saying duas during these periods is more likely to be answered; these are exceptionally excellent times for prayer. Our best online Quran tutors teach morning and evening Adhkar to you and your child.
Doing forgiveness prayers, or istighfar, is very important in Islam. Asking Allah for forgiveness is necessary for spiritual development and peace of mind. Saying "Astaghfirullah," which means "I seek forgiveness from Allah," several times is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to perform Istighfar. Reciting this sentence at least 100 times a day is advised by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) reported the Messenger of Allah stated: The person who consistently offers Istighfaar, or frequent forgiveness to Allah Ta'aala for mistakes, will have a way out of poverty and hardship. All the hardships and suffering will go, and happiness and prosperity will take their place. One will find nourishment in unexpected and unexpected places.
Istighfar is more significant than just a spoken recital because it represents a genuine desire to turn from one's sins. Feeling regret for one's mistakes, actively turning to God, and deciding not to sin again. Making forgiveness duas decreases worry and provides access to blessings and nourishment. Istighfar is a doorway to relieving oneself of responsibilities and elevating happiness.
There are many additional duas drawn from the Quran and Hadith that can be said for forgiveness. For example ,رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
"Our Lord, give us [that which is] excellent in this world and the Hereafter, and protect us from the fire's punishment." These prayers remind believers of Allah's generosity and strengthen their relationship with Him. Regularly practicing these supplications promotes an attitude of humility and appreciation, guiding people toward a more virtuous life.
Islam emphasizes the dua for hidayah, or prayers for guidance, which are derived from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He highlighted the significance of asking Allah for guidance in every aspect of life, emphasizing that asking for advice is a sign of humility and faith. According to a well-known hadith, Allah hears every prayer and answers them by providing what is asked for or preventing the equivalent amount of harm. "O Allah, guide me among those whom You have guided; and protect me among those whom You have protected" is a commonly said dua for guidance. This prayer emphasizes the believer's dependence on Allah's wisdom to overcome challenges in life.
It is important to say duas daily to build a strong spiritual bond with Allah. Muslims can freely communicate their ideas, worries, and desires with Allah SWT when they pray. This connection provides support and the right direction in the challenges of life. Regular supplications or Islamic duas strengthen believers' trust and belief in Allah's wisdom.
Gratitude is expressed through supplication. People who frequently give gratitude to Allah for his blessings develop a grateful mindset. This practice develops humility because Muslims know their limits and the vastness of Allah's mercy. By acknowledging life's good and bad sides, Dua promotes emotional and mental stability by encouraging a balanced attitude.
In mental health, the therapeutic advantages of regular prayer are becoming more widely acknowledged. The practice of dua offers a safe environment for expressing one's deepest emotions, which helps reduce tension, worry, and sadness. Numerous studies indicate that engaging in spiritual activities, such as supplication, might enhance mental health and emotional resilience.
In addition to being a private act, daily prayers can strengthen a sense of community. Gathering together to pray and offer up supplication strengthens ties within the community. When people share their struggles and prayers, the communal element of dua strengthens bonds between people and their common belief in Allah. This can only happen if everyone knows how to do dua
Many Muslims believe that making regular Islamic dua is a call for protection from harm and bad luck. Duas are said in specific ways to avoid evil, damage, or disaster. Believers who hold this concept feel safe and at ease because they know Allah is watching them and their loved ones. Consistently focusing on positive things rather than negative ones through supplication can influence one's perspective.
Enroll NowSigning up for the complimentary online Quran course at Muhammadan Quran School is easy and straightforward. As “6 Klmay and Msnoon Islamic Duas” is our complimentary, to sign up for the complimentary online Quran course, you must enroll in any main course like basic Quran reading, Tafseer, Tajweed, Noorani Qaida, Quran memorization, and others. You do not need to pay extra charges for complimentary online Quran courses. The complimentary courses are completely free. If you want to enroll, follow these steps:
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Once enrolled, you'll gain access to course materials, live sessions, and personalized instruction from our expert teachers. Begin your journey to accurate, confident, and beautiful Quran recitation. Enrol today and take the first step towards the Quran and Sunnah with Muhammadan Quran School!
Learn Quran with EaseMuhammadan Quran School provides the best complimentary online courses, such as 6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas, Islamic Studies, Namaz/Salah, etc. Here's what makes it unique:
Our "6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas" course is led by highly educated teachers fluent in English and Arabic with expertise in Islamic education. They ensure the Kalmay and Duas are correctly recited, understood, and used daily. With a focus on individualized learning, they help adults and children grow in their faith and follow Islamic rules.
A comprehensive curriculum in complimentary online courses offers an extensive understanding of the Quran by addressing key topics such as basic concepts of Islam and essential phrases like 1st Kalma, 2nd Kalma, 3rd Kalma, 4th Kalma, 5th Kalma, and 6th Kalma, thematic insights, and practical applications. It provides organized lessons, fascinating multimedia resources, and professional guidance. It promotes comprehensive education for students seeking a deep connection to the Quran. Our structured strategy works for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced students.
Online Quran complimentary courses are scheduled in a way that works for students who live in different time zones and have different schedules. Our online Quran school lets you learn whenever it's best for you, whether you like morning, evening, or weekend classes. It gives busy students more options for balancing their studies of the Quran with their personal and work obligations.
Our complimentary online courses are reasonable and accessible so everyone can use our high-quality teaching. We want everyone to be able to learn Quran online, no matter how much money they have, without lowering the quality of the learning or the tools available.
Our 6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas and lessons use up-to-date technology, including interactive features like quizzes, video tutorials, and real-time feedback. These learning methods are pleasant and valuable, making the course easier to understand. Immersive experiences help students understand and use what they've learned better.
We offer three trial classes so that students can experience how we teach and what we cover. These online Quran classes allow students to see how comfortable they are with the course and teachers before they sign up for it. It ensures their 6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas learning journey starts smoothly and confidently.
Our online Quran school creates a safe and helpful learning space where students feel valued and inspired. Teachers provide feedback, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment to understand Quran courses. This environment helps students improve and feel more confident in their recitation.
Our online Quran school and courses are made to meet international standards, meaning anyone can use them and are recognized worldwide. Students worldwide come to our classes to learn Quran online, forming a group dedicated to mastering it.
Our online classes emphasize the spiritual side of learning the 6 Kalmay and Islamic Duas. By understanding the course well, students strengthen their connection with Allah, strengthening their worship and devotion. With this focus on spiritual growth, learning the 6 Kalmay and Islamic Duas becomes a satisfying and beneficial jo
When students successfully complete the 6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas course, they are given a certification to show what they have achieved. This certification shows how hard they worked and how well they learned the 6 Kalmay & Islamic Duas, adding to their personal and academic achievements.
The Kalmay and Islamic Duas are fundamental pillars of Muslims' faith, promoting moral development, gratitude, and a connection with Allah. By combining these daily supplications, Muslims get direction, protection, and inner peace while encouraging modesty and unity within the community. Teaching and following these virtues improves both individual lives and communal fait
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